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1 Day Agenda
Session 1: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (Eastern)
Break: 12:30 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. (Eastern)
Session 2: 1:15 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Eastern)
Break: 3:00 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. (Eastern)
Session 3: 3:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Eastern)
Session 1
- Introduction
- Foundation
- What is a Presentation?- Definition
- Presentation Failure and Success
- The Connect Model
- Video: Ana’s World
- Develop A Powerful Message
- Mindset, Skillset, Toolset
- The Process: Develop Your Message
- Presentation Planner Tool- Purpose and Audience
- Activity: Plan Your Presentation's Purpose
- Activity: Analyze Your Audience
- Presentation Planner Tool- Questions and Logistics
- Activity: Questions and Logistics
- Brainstorm Your Content
- Activity: Brainstorm Your Ideas
Break: 45 minutes
Session 2
- Develop a Powerful Message (continued)
- The SSS Process
- Develop Your Key Points and Supporting Details
- Video: Ana’s Key Points
- Activity: Develop Your Key Points using the SSS
- Develop Your Introduction – Using Attention Getters
- Develop Your Conclusion – Create a Memorable Close
- Design Impactful Visuals
- Mindset, Skillset, Toolset
- The Purpose of Good Visuals
- Top Ten Tips for Designing Visuals
- Activity: Visual Analysis
- Using Notes and Prompts
Break: 45 minutes
Session 3
- Deliver with Excellence
- Mindset, Skillset, Toolset
- The Six Elements of Delivery Excellence
- Appearance – Challenges/Solutions
- Eye Contact – Challenges/Solutions
- Facial Expressions – Challenges/Solutions
- Activity: Practice Eye Contact and Facial Expressions
- Gestures – Challenges/Solutions
- Movement – Challenges/Solutions
- Activity: Practice Movement and Gesture
- Voice – Challenges/Solutions
- Top 10 Tips for Presenting with Visuals
- Optimizing Stress
- Video: Are You Nervous?
- Handling Questions and Group Dynamics
- Video: Ana Handles Questions
- Practice!!
- Conclusion
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