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Many managers get promoted because of their individual competencies, but struggle making the shift to leading people. There are two classic mistakes managers make: They try to manage others before managing themselves, and they manage people instead of letting them manage themselves against shared expectations.  The 7 Habits for Managers®: The Inside-Out Essentials to Unleash Potential will equip leaders with the essential skills and tools to be seen as a manager who can pro-actively make the right things happen under any conditions, while having the attitudes and skills that unleash their team’s potential.

This live complimentary 60-minute webcast is an executive overview to discuss current leadership trends and how The 7 Habits for Managers®: The Inside-Out Essentials to Unleash Potential can make a huge difference for leaders at multiple levels in today’s new world of work.

For questions about the event, please contact Cheryl Anderson at [email protected].


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Webcast details will be sent

via email after registration.

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Webcast Date/Time


June 7, 2022

1:00 pm-2:00 pm ET




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